The song of the sea

Moody blue bathroom design.

Inspired by the comfort of escapism, our need to ‘retreat’ from our busy lives, and the necessity to cut ourselves off from the chaotic storm of everyday life.

The Brief

To create a space to hide from the world, to retreat to and dive into deep relaxation.

The Design

Choosing dark tones for a relaxing space.

Associations with water, cleanliness and a general aura of calm have earned blue a place in the bathroom for decades. Most choose light and breezy or soft and subtle shades.

But opting for moodier blues like those used in this bathroom bring beautiful depth and a comforting, calming and deep relaxing feeling to a space.

“I love blue – it’s the colour of the ocean and the sky. It makes me feel quiet, reflective, and strong. The deep blue waters of the ocean bring a sense of calm, and a feeling of freedom like the movement of the waves.” Private residential client. 

Featuring matte blue tiles inspired by deep blue waters that meet smooth, cool marble and tarnished brass fittings. Made up from a palette of 15 subtly different shades the tiles add depth and interest. Reflecting the different tones of the ocean – the song of the sea.

Looking to create your own sanctuary at home?

We help you to create mindful spaces to take time out of your day, practice self-care, slow down and find peace within.

Begin my project

Smells like

Arriving at the coast to the first distinct salty smell of the ocean.

Feels like

The gentle calm when you turn from a windy street onto an alley where the wind can’t reach you.

Client / Credits

Project in collaboration with McCrum Interior Design
